Happy day everyone!
Yesterday the church gained one new Philippino member!!! Our amazing Philippine investigator was baptized! Probably the cleanest convert there ever was seeing as she had to be dunked 4 times! But she did it! And it was amazing. The baptism and the confirmation were both done in english so that was kind of weird but awesome. Watching her get baptized and then confirmed I was just thinking about how amazing it is everytime someone becomes a member of the church. The only completely true church on the earth. And just how many more blessings Heavenly Father can give you when you choose to obey His commandments. It's the most amazing thing to be an instrument in the Lord's hands in showing people how they can receive those blessings in their life and how they can become so insanely happy!
So yesterday was a pretty good day. Oh and Saturday night we went and watched a big firework show by the river! It was really cool. You know you're a missionary though when you go to something like a firework show and look more at the people and who is an adorable family or who looks like they would be really friendly than at the fireworks haha. It was fun. As a missionary, people watching is actually a thing or maybe it's more like people hunting but it's with a purpose so I guess it's not creepy haha.
We had dinner at a members house on Friday night which of course was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten and the most full I've ever been.
We visited an investigator and when we got to her house she was in her car and so we got her attention and then she said, hey, I'm on my way to go eat cake. Do you want to come with me?
Who would say no to that? Not us. We went and ate cake. And it was good. Japan has the best cake shops. That was fun.
The other day when we were housing we met this really cute, adorable grandma who was really friendly but wasn't interested in our message. So naturally we told her about english class and she said she wanted to learn english but because she's old she chose Korean instead because it's a lot easier haha. So we chatted and had some laughs and then she went back inside and brought us a big bag of fresh grown baby tomatoes and told us to eat them while we were walking around so we could keep up our energy. She was so sweet! And let me tell you those tomatoes tasted like candy. Like wow. We tried them as soon as we walked out of her driveway haha. It's just kind of a thing that you're always hungry as a missionary so when people give us food its really nice. And the grandmas of Japan give you food. It's incredible how many snacks and food we've received from people.
Anyways you probably don't care about that.
But it was a really great week! Hope you all have a good one!
Love Murray shimai
Cleaning the baptismal font. Fun, fun! |