

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another great week in Hokkaido!

Today is sunny and kind of warm. It's wonderful! This last week we weren't able to see any investigators because everyone was busy :( But we were able to talk to them on the phone so that was good. We did a lot of housing,... a lot. Talked with a lot of people. That was fun. We met a couple really awesome ladies on the street who were really interested in the gospel message but they said they're really busy, and we tried but we couldn't make an appointment with them. That was a bummer deal. But hopefully they will meet the missionaries again and take the opportunity to listen to the message.

This past week was pretty calm, nothing to exciting. I fell several times as usual haha. It's getting really slushy and wet now which is kind of a bummer and a whole nother kind of slippery.

We had a lot of member meals so I still have a little bit of a food hangover today haha. We got a new ward mission leader yesterday and he is like my favorite person. He is so cool and his wife was called as a ward missionary! They're so awesome. They served as Tokyo temple missionaries last year. I"m excited! Things are going great!! Sorry not much new stuff to tell.

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!
Murray Shimai

p.s. Oh I just remembered something that happened. Went to a bar called dee dees, for a private concert by some members in the Shinkotoni ward and taught a member lesson there. Nothing too exciting :)

p.p.s. This message is for Ashley Anderson... so everyone else can disregard. Anyways my mom told me she saw you at Taylor's wedding reception and I was so happy! Sorry this is the only way I know how to send you a message, so I hope you read this....anyways I hope you're doing great! We're long overdue for a hangout session! Hope you have a fabulous day!

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