Good ol' fashion pizza night!
Yesterday and Today are lovely! We didn't have to wear a coat all day yesterday which is a really big step haha. Oh and to all my mom friends....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! I love you all! I hope you all had a really awesome and special mothers day. It was really weird because yesterday there were no talks about mothers in Sacrament or at all. And like so many people forgot it was mothers day and so many of the sisters said they probably wouldn't do anything or get anything from their families :( It was really sad. But on Saturday Johnson shimai and I were like, we should do something for all the sisters tomorrow! So we decided to make some little chocolate cakes and little cards and we wrapped them all in cute bags and took them to church. We ended up finishing them by flashlight on Saturday night haha but it was so much fun and everyone was so excited to receive them at church. Seriously it was such a small piece of cake and just a really simple note but they were so surprised and so grateful! It was so much fun and just felt really good that we could help make their mother`s day a little more special and help them know that we really appreciate and love them. Because moms are so special and matter so much! And while we`re missionaries we`re so far from our real mom and it really means a lot to us to have so many moms around us who love us and give us mom love.
But this past week was so incredibly full of Miracles! Missionary work is exploding in Kushiro! Everyday Johnson shimai and I go home thinking there's no way we could top the days miracles but the next day we go out and crazy things happen! God is totally leading us to prepared people here and softening peoples' hearts. It is the most amazing thing to see and be a part of. I know its only with Heaven's help that this work moves forward!
We visited this referral that the Elders gave us. They found this young 20ish year old girl housing and so we finally made it over to her apartment and she was home and we talked with her for a while and we started teaching her about God and about how she has a special purpose in life and asking her questions and you could see her really thinking about things we asked her and after we would say some things it was like you could see it click in her head. It was really cool. And we got a long so great and we asked her if we could come back and she`s like, ya totally! So we're really excited about her! And it's interesting because we talked to the Elders about her and they said they didn't get that image of her at all when they met her. That she was interested at all. God really is working in lives and softening hearts. I`m seeing it right now everyday!
Another way awesome miracle. So a couple weeks ago I wrote about this dad we found after we had prayed to know where to go and he was interested in English class for his son. And then he had told us to come back again when it wasn't dinner time haha. So on Saturday we went back and he was home and he was like, oh you came back! And we're like, Ya, We came back! haha. And last time we met him he had told us that he wasn't interested in church or talking about God or Jesus Christ at all but he was interested in english class for his son. But this time we went and he talked with us for a while. And he told us how he had read the Bible a little when he was a high schooler just because he was curious and how he thinks christian churches are really great. And then he was talking about miracles and how it`s a miracle that we met him and how we're from america and we could have gone anywhere and we came to his house! And he said that they might not have time to go to English class but that he wants to hear more of our message so please come back to teach more. I think Johnson Shimai and I looked like we were trying to catch flies for a couple seconds because we couldn`t believe what just happened haha. It was literally like a completely different person. Seriously I am here to tell you that no one should be brushed off as not interested or not ready until you try again. Until you follow-up like Elder Ballard talked about. Because God has a plan and the spirit is in buisness. Miracles are not only things that happened in the scriptures. They're real and they are not only a rare once in a blue moon thing. We can see them everyday!
So many more amazing things have happened but I don't have eternity to write! So I wish you all a very merry week! Enjoy spring! We're finally starting to get Cherry Blossoms here! Hokkaido is a little slow!
Murray Shimai
I just thought this was a funny picture, haha |
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