Hey everyone! So it's turned a bit chilly here and leaves are already covering the ground! But this past week was pretty fun. We had a ward activity and we drove about 40 minutes to an area called Akan and we dug up potatoes! imahori! It was way fun. And now we have a TON of potatoes in our apartment. Sure the americans will love all the potatoes, mashed potatoes everyday right? haha. No. No more potatoes. Everyday we eat potatoes. On top of rice haha. I've been Japanified and I can't help it. But it was fun. Also we met some really awesome investigators who the Elders passed to us. They said whenever they try to visit them they're never home or super busy but when we went with them we were able to see all of them and to talk with them haha. Yes, sister power.
Ummmmmm,,,,,,,I can't remember......... Today the family that comes to english class took us on another road trip! It was beautiful! You should all come to Hokkaido to play because wow. It's gorgeous.
Oh I just remembered one of our miracles from last week. We had an appointment to teach an after-baptism lesson and we took a sister from the ward with us and when we showed up the recent convert's friend was there as well! She's not a member and we'd met her twice before but hadn't been able to see her for more than a month! She had called that morning and said she was coming just when we did! So we were able to teach her as well with a member there. It was really awesome.
Sorry this guy is short. I'm sending pictures so enjoy!
Murray shimai
Hokkaido is famous for the redheaded cranes and Kushiro is their home. In winter tons of them come here to live.
We stopped at a Japanese garden along the drive.
The leaves here are like a crazy neon color! It's so beautiful!
The famous green algae balls. We went to their homeland. They only grow in this lake.
This is a different lake. |