This is what our scenery is like these days haha |
Well this past week was fabulous! We had a mochitsuki at the church on Saturday and it was awesome! Super old time Japan stuff haha. So that was fun. We also had quite a few miracles we got to be a part of.
While we were housing the other day we were able to teach two lessons at the door at two different houses that were only a few houses apart. The second house was this big brick house and Kapeliela shimai thought it was cute so she wanted to go to it haha. So we went and we met this way awesome lady whose son just happened to go to college in Utah for a little bit haha. Like, what? What are the chances of a nonmember Japanese person going to Utah haha. Anyways we talked with her for a while and she even invited us inside but we had somewhere we had to be soon so we made an appointment to come back this week. She asked us what we can drink because she heard a little bit about the word of wisdom and we told her we drink milk and water and juice, etc. and she was like okay when you come again I'll make us some hot milk and we can talk and we'll become friends! haha. It was really a tender mercy.
We also visited a family investigator of the Elders. They have two little kids and it was so much fun. We played with them for a while and played soccer with them in the house haha. Basically it was awesome. And today we're starting the Family English Program with an investigator and her daughter who is 22. I'm way pumped. And then transfer calls are tomorrow! Woohoo! I can't believe how fast time is going!
I hope everyone is doing fabulous! We're surviving up here! We just stick hand warmer things all over. They're like our hand warmers but they have a sticky back so you can stick them in your shoes and on your back and belly and legs....haha. Works great. Anyways love you all!
Murray Shimai
This is the mochi tsuki. You put fresh cooked rice in the barrel and then first mash it and then hammer it. And they have little hammers for kids haha. |
Just had to throw this one in because this is the cutest kid in the world. |
A couple of the elders doing the mochi thing. |
Us - the sisters in our apt. - with Yurika shimai. She's a member in the Teine ward and I love her! |
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