Ohayo Gozaimasu!!
So this picture is of me and my amazing companion on Sunday, the day we became the sister training leaders for our branch!! I don't know if you're familiar with that calling yet. It's sort of like zone leaders for the sisters. Basically we visit all the sisters at night and just talk to them and make sure they're doing okay, etc. Also we are responsible for correcting any modesty situations or things like that. Baker and I are both like I hope we don't have any of those because that would not be a very comfortable situation haha. Anyways so we have nihonjin here again and so we go to visit Sunday night and they open their door and we're like konbanwa! and they're all super smiley and we just smile back because all we know what to say in Japanese is our testimonies or how Joseph Smith restored the gospel, and even that is still coming together, haha. So that was sort of awkward. But they are the friendliest and happiest people I've ever met in my life. They are so excited about the gospel I love it! And you don't feel dumb for not knowing a lot of Japanese because they are so nice about it and just make you feel so happy. We were visiting one of our rooms last night and we were there talking so long that we didn't get to see our last room. We're like, two very very talkative people mixed with sisters who need to talk about their day..hmm, well I guess we should probably learn how to say goodnight sooner. It really is a great experience though.So haha under that blue pile is lindquist shimai. She seriously takes up less than half her bed, it's so funny looking. I like to tuck her in and she looks like a little child haha. It's seriously still crazy to me how close we all are for only knowing eachother for 4 weeks. And everyone is super chill and has a great sense of humor and are okay with how crazy I am. Haha lindquists' parents sent her some mountain dew and her and Baker are like, we want you to drink one of these so we can see how crazy you will get. I'm like, that's probably not a good idea haha. Anyways ya good stuff.